Publikace ÚTF

Regularized conformal electrodynamics: Novel C metric in 2 + 1 dimensions

David Kubizňák , Otakar Svítek , and Tayebeh Tahamtan

Conformal electrodynamics is a particularly interesting example of power Maxwell nonlinear electrodynamics, designed to possess conformal symmetry in all dimensions. In this paper, we propose a regularized version of conformal electrodynamics, minimally regularizing the field of a point charge at the origin by breaking the conformal invariance of the theory with a dimensionful “Born-Infeld-like” parameter. In four dimensions the new theory reduces to the recently studied regularized Maxwell electrodynamics, distinguished by its “Maxwell-like” solutions for accelerated and slowly rotating black hole spacetimes. Focusing on three dimensions, we show that the new theory shares many of the properties of its four-dimensional cousin, including the existence of the charged C-metric solution (currently unknown in the Maxwell theory).
journal:Phys. Rev. D
grants:Černoděrové prostoročasy v obecné dimenzi, jejich vlastnosti a interpretace; 2022 - 2024;

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