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Kotlařík P. Kofroň D. Semerák O.: Static Thin Disks with Power-law Density Profiles, The Astrophysical Journal 931 (2022) id.161 (16 pages)
Bičák Jiří, Kofroň David, Semerák Oldřich: Trojí vzpomínání na Jiřího Langera, Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 70 (2020) 3
Semerák O. Čížek P.: Rotating Disc around a Schwarzschild Black Hole, Universe 6 (2020) id.27 (11 pages)
Huré J.-M. Basillais B. Karas V. Trova A. Semerák O.: The exterior gravitational potential of toroids, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 494 (2020) 5825-5838
Polcar L., Suková P., Semerák O.: Free Motion around Black Holes with Disks or Rings: Between Integrability and Chaos–V, The Astrophysical Journal 877 (2019) 16 (19pp.)
Semerák O., Basovník M., Kotlařík P.: Schwarzschild binary supported by an Appell ring, Phys. Rev. D 99 (2019) 064050
Polcar L., Semerák O.: Free motion around black holes with discs or rings: Between integrability and chaos. VI. The Melnikov method, Phys. Rev. D 100 (2019) 103013
Kotlařík P., Semerák O., Čížek P.: Schwarzschild black hole encircled by a rotating thin disc: Properties of perturbative solution, Phys. Rev. D 97 (2018) 084006
Costa L. F. O., Lukes-Gerakopoulos G., Semerák O.: Spinning particles in general relativity: Momentum-velocity relation for the Mathisson-Pirani spin condition, Phys. Rev. D 97 (2018) 084023
Čížek P., Semerák O.: Perturbation of a Schwarzschild Black Hole Due to a Rotating Thin Disk, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 232 (2017) 14 (23pp.)
Semerák O., Basovník M.: Geometry of deformed black holes. I. Majumdar-Papapetrou binary, Phys. Rev. D 94 (2016) 044006
Basovník M., Semerák O.: Geometry of deformed black holes. II. Schwarzschild hole surrounded by a Bach-Weyl ring, Phys. Rev. D 94 (2016) 044007
Semerák O.: Static axisymmetric rings in general relativity: How diverse they are, Phys. Rev. D 94 (2016) 104021
Semerák O.: Approximating Light Rays in the Schwarzschild Field, The Astrophysical Journal 800 (2015) 77 (12 pp.)
Bini D., Geralico A., Jantzen R. T., Semerák O.: Particles under radiation thrust in Schwarzschild space–time from a flux perpendicular to the equatorial plane, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 446 (2015) 2317-2329
Witzany V., Semerák O., Suková P.: Free motion around black holes with discs or rings: between integrability and chaos – IV, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 451 (2015) 1770-1794
Semerák O.: Albert Einstein a století obecné relativity, Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie 60 (2015) 215-238
Semerák O., Šrámek M.: Spinning particles in vacuum spacetimes of different curvature types, Phys. Rev. D 92 (2015) 064032
Semerák O.: Spinning particles in vacuum spacetimes of different curvature types: Natural reference tetrads and massless particles, Phys. Rev. D 92 (2015) 124036
Semerák O., Suková P.: On Geodesic Dynamics in Deformed Black-Hole Fields in , in Equations of Motion in Relativistic Gravity (Fundamental Theories of Physics 179), eds. D. Pützfeld, C. Lämmerzahl, B. Schutz, (Springer, Switzerland, 2015), pp. 561-586 – 978-3-319-18334-3
Suková P., Semerák O.: Geodesic Chaos in Perturbed Black-Hole Fields in , in Relativity and Gravitation (Springer Proceedings in Physics Vol. 157), eds. J. Bičák, T. Ledvinka, (Springer, Cham, 2014), pp. 449-453 – ISBN: 978-3-319-06760-5
Suková P., Semerák O.: Free motion around black holes with discs or rings: between integrability and chaos – III, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 436 (2013) 978-996
Čížek P., Semerák O.: Linear perturbations of a Schwarzschild black hole by thin disc - convergence in , in Proceedings of the Spanish Relativity Meeting 2011 (AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 1458), eds. J. Beltrán Jiménez, J. A. Ruiz Cembranos, A. Dobado, A. López Maroto, A. De la Cruz Dombriz, (AIP, 2012), pp. 351-354 – ISBN: 978-0-7354-1060-2
Suková P., Semerák O.: Recurrence of geodesics in a black-hole–disc field in , in Proceedings of the Spanish Relativity Meeting 2011 (AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 1458), eds. J. Beltrán Jiménez, J. A. Ruiz Cembranos, A. Dobado, A. López Maroto, A. De la Cruz Dombriz, (AIP, 2012), pp. 523-526 – ISBN: 978-0-7354-1060-2
Suková P., Semerák O.: Geodesic chaos around black holes with discs in , in Proceedings of the Twelfth Marcel Grossmann Meeting (Paris 2009), eds. T. Damour, R. Jantzen, R. Ruffini, (World Scientific, Singapore, 2012), pp. 1785-1787 – ISBN: 978-981-4374-51-4

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