Publikace pracovníků ÚTF

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Patchkovskii S., Benda J., Ertel D., Busto D.: Theory of nuclear motion in RABBITT spectra, Phys. Rev. A 107 (2023)
Makos I., Schmoll M., Benda J., Ahmadi H., Moioli M., Frassetto F., Poletto L., Schroeter C.D., Pfeifer T., Moshammer R., Mašín Z., Patchovskii S., Sansone G.: Influence of nuclear dynamics on molecular attosecond photoelectron interferometry, Science advances 9 (2023) 10
Uhlířová T., Zamastil J., Benda J.: Calculation of atomic integrals between relativistic functions by means of algebraic methods, Computer Physics Communications (2022) 15
Jiang W., Armstrong G.S.J., Tong J., Xu Y, Zuo Z., Qiang J., Lu P., Clarke D.D.A., Benda J., Fleischer A., Ni H., Ueda K., van der Hart H.W., Brown A.C., Gong X., Wu J.: Atomic partial wave meter by attosecond coincidence metrology, Nature Communications (2022)
Benda J., Mašín Z., Gorfinkiel J.D.: Analysis of RABITT time delays using the stationary multiphoton molecular R-matrix approach, Phys. Rev. A 105 (2022) 19
Armstrong G. S. J., Clarke D. D. A., Benda J., Wragg J., Brown A.C., van der Hart H. W. : Enhancing spin polarization using ultrafast angular streaking, Phys. Rev. A 103 (2021) 6
Benda J., Mašín Z.: Multi-photon above threshold ionization of multi-electron atoms and molecules using the R-matrix approach, Scientific Reports 11 (2021) 19
Benda J., Houfek K.: Converged and consistent high-resolution low-energy electron–hydrogen scattering. I. Data below n = 4 threshold for applications in stellar physics, Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 119 (2018) 303-313
Benda J., Houfek K.: Reducing the dimensionality of grid based methods for electron-atom scattering calculations below ionization threshold, Computer Physics Communications 213 (2017) 46-51
Benda J., Houfek K.: New version of hex-ecs, the B-spline implementation of exterior complex scaling method for solution of electron–hydrogen scattering, Computer Physics Communications 204 (2016) 216-2017
Benda J., Houfek K.: Collisions of electrons with hydrogen atoms I. Package outline and high energy code, Computer Physics Communications 185 (2014) 2893-2902
Benda J., Houfek K.: Collisions of electrons with hydrogen atoms II. Low-energy program using the method of the exterior complex scaling✩, Computer Physics Communications 185 (2014) 2903-2912

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