ET meets LISA: an outreach event

Czech participation in the LISA mission
There were four contributions during the group’s meeting on Monday 23.9.24. Dr. Ondřej Kopáček from ASU showed “Spherical orbits in Kerr spacetime“, Dr. Federico Urban from FZU presented “Ultra-light dark matter and interferometers“, Dr. Viktor Skoupý from UTF showed “Post-Newtonian expansions of extreme mass ratio inspirals of spinning bodies into Schwarzschild black holes” and Dr. Roman Konoplya from the Opava University presented “The sound of the event horizon“.
There were four contributions during the group’s meeting on Tuesday 4.6.24. Dr. Ondřej Zelenka from ASU presented the “Gravitational Wave detection using Machine Learning“, Dr. David Trestini from FZU showed “Eccentric post-Newtonian waveforms beyond GR“, prof. Tomáš Ledvinka from UTF provided the tribute talk “The Importance of Being Exact: J. Bičák’s
treatise on solutions of Einstein’s equations” and Dr. Debora Lančova from the Opava University discussed “Measuring black hole spin from X-ray data:
Simulations and observations“.
Our spring czechLISA meeting will take place on Monday 11.3.2024 at the:
Adéla Kochanovská large lecture hall (SOLID21) Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences Pod vodárenskou věží 2531/3, Praha 8, Czech Republic
Apart from scientists and students from Czech Republic interested in the LISA mission, we would like to invite LISA/ESA members visiting Prague for the IDS Project Manager Meeting 12.-13.3.2024, so we might have a fruitful interaction during the czechLISA meeting.
There were three contributions during the group’s meeting on Thursday 11.10.23. Petr Kotlařík from UTF discussed his study on “QNMs of black holes encircled by a gravitating thin disk”, Dr. Giulia Ventagli from FZU discussed “Black Holes and Neutron Stars Scalarization in generalised scalar-tensor theories” and Vitkor Skoupý from ASU presented “Gravitational wave templates from Extreme Mass Ratio Inspirals” along with an animation. We also discussed the GW@CZ workshop, which will take place on the 1.12.2023 at GFÚ.
There were three contributions during the group’s meeting on Monday 12.6.23. Dr. Aindriú Conroy from UTF discussed a study “On observable signals of non-singular cosmologies“, Dr. Alexandre M. Pombo from FZU presented “Boson Stars that mimic Black Holes ” and Angelica Albertini from ASU presented the effort “Towards an Effective-One-Body model for Extreme-Mass-Ratio Inspirals“.
There were three contributions during the group’s meeting on Thursday 23.2.23. Dr. Asen Christov from FZU provided a “FSUA status update” discussing the Czech hardware contribution to the LISA mission, Dr. Vojtěch Witzany from UTF presented an overview on “EMRI waveforms: a status update” and Dr. Samuel Upton from ASU discussed the “Progress in the Field of Gravitational Self-Force“.
There were three scientific contributions during the group’s meeting on Tuesday 7.12.22. Dr. Sajal Mukherjee from ASU discussed his work on “Resonance crossing in an electromagnetic EMRI analogue“, Dr. Robert Švarc from UTF talked about “Expanding impulsive gravitational waves” and Dr. Lorenzo Pizzuti from FZU discussed his work on “Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background and Boltzmann equation“.
There were three scientific contributions during the group’s meeting on Thursday 6.8.22. Dr. Petra Suková from ASU talked about “Observational traces of supermassive black hole companions“, Dr. Tayebeh Tahamtan from UTF talked about ” Slowly rotating black holes in nonlinear electrodynamics” and Dr. Ippocratis Saltas from FZU presented two publications of the Cosmology WG of the LISA consortium (arxiv: 2204.05434 and arxiv:2203.00566).
There were three scientific contributions during the group’s meeting on Thursday 2.6.22. Dr. Sk Jahanur Hoquefrom from UTF talked about “Quadrupole formula in de Sitter: its application ”, Dr. Kabir Chakravarti from FZU talked about “Gravitational Waves, Neutron Star Equation of State inference and Phase Transitions” and Dr. Morteza Kerachian from ASU talked about “Action-Angle formalism for geodesic motion in Kerr spacetime as a tool for EMRIs”.