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Bárta T. Horáček J.: Calculation of resonances by analytical continuation: role of asymptotic behavior of coupling function, Physica Scripta 95 (2020) 065401
Horáček J.: Resonance cross-section formula for low-energy elastic scattering, Phys. Rev. A 100 (2019) 032709
Čurík R., Paidarová I., Horáček J.: Shape resonances of Be− and Mg− investigated with the method of analytic continuation, Physical Review A 97 (2018) 052704
Bárta T., Horáček J.: An inverse eigenvalue problem for a one-dimensional Schrodinger equation with ¨ varying potential and applications to computing resonance energy of molecules, (2018)
Horáček J., Pichl L.: Calculation of Resonance S-Matrix Poles by Means of Analytic Continuation in the Coupling Constant, Commun. Comput. Phys. 21 (2017) 1154-1172
Čurík R. Paidarová I. Horáček J.: The 2Πg shape resonance of acetylene anion: an investigation with the RAC method, European Physical Journal D 70 (2016) 146
PICHL L., HORÁČEK J.: Determination of Resonant State Parameters from Ab Initio Data by Artificial Neural Network and Statistical Pade Approximation, Plasma and Fusion Research: Regular Articles 10 (2015) 3406049
Horáček J., Paidarová I., Čurík R.: On a simple way to calculate electronic resonances for polyatomic molecules, The Journal of Chemical Physics 143 (2015) 184 102
Horáček J., Paidarová I., Čurík R.: Determination of the Resonance Energy and Width of the 2B2g Shape Resonance of Ethylene with the Method of Analytical Continuation in the Coupling Constant, The Journal of Physical Chemistry 118 (2014) 6536-6541
Pichl L., Horáček J.: Determination of Resonant State Parameters from Ab Initio Data by Artificial Neural Network and Statistical Pade Approximation, Plasma and Fusion Research: N (2014) 000
Papp P., Matejčík Š., Mach P., Urban J., Paidarová I., Horáček J.: Analytical continuation in coupling constant method; application to the calculation of resonance energies and widths for organic molecules: Glycine, alanine and valine and dimer of formic acid, Chemical Physics 418 (2013) 8
Tarana M., Houfek K., Horáček J., Fabrikant I. I.: Dissociative electron attachment and vibrational excitation of CF3Cl: Effect of two vibrational modes revisited, Physical Review A 84 (2011) 052717
Horáček J., Ledvinka T.: On the use of Lambert W Function for modeling of Quantum Resonances in , in Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, (American Institute of Physics, 2011), pp. 1690
Šulc M. Čurík R. and Horáček J.: Efficient solution of scattering equations by combination, The European Physical Journal D 57 (2010) 187-196
Fedor J., Winstead C., McKoy V., Čížek M., Houfek K., Kolorenč P., Horáček J.: Electron scattering in HCl: An improved nonlocal resonance model, Physical Review A 81 (2010) 042702-+
Horáček J., Mach P. and Urban J.: Calculation of S-matrix poles by means of analytic continuation in the coupling constant:, Phys. Rev. A 82 (2010) 032713
Horáček J., Ledvinka T., Brožek P.: Calculation of s-Wave Resonances by Means of Analytical Continuation in , in CP1281, ICNAAM, Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, International Conference 2010, eds. Simos T. E.; Psihoysos G.; Tsitouras Ch., (American Institute of Physics 978-0-7354-0831-9/10$30.00, 2010)
Čížek M., Horáček J.: Long-lived metastable anions of hydrogen halides, International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 280 (2009) 149-153
Tarana M., Nestmann B. M. and Horáček J.: R-matrix calculations of the 2Ag elastic electron scattering off the Li2 molecule, Phys. Rev. A 79 (2009) 012716
Horáček J.: Determination of Resonance Parameters byUse of Padé III Approximation in , in CPI168, Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, International Conference 2009, eds. T.E. Simos, G. Psihoyios, and Ch. Tsitouras, (American Institute of Physics 978=0-7354-0705-3/09/$25.00, 2009)
Šulc M., Horáček J.: Application of the R-matrix Theory to Low-Energy Potential Scattering in , in CPI168, Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, International Conference 2009, eds. T.E. Simos, G. Psihoyios, and Ch. Tsitouras, (American Institute of Physics 978-0-7354-0705-3/09/$25.00, 2009)
Houfek K., Čížek M., Horáček J.: On irregular oscillatory structures in resonant vibrational excitation cross-sections in diatomic molecules, Chemical Physics 347 (2008) 250-256
Šulc M.,Kolorenč P.,Tarana M., Horáček J.: Fast and efficient solution of scattering integral equation in , in Selected papers from ICNAAM 2007 and ICCMSE 2007
Tarana M., Horáček J.: Correlation effects in R-matrix calculations of electron-F_{2} elastic scattering cross sections, Journal of Chemical Physics 127 (2007) 4319-+
Horáček J., Čížek M., Houfek K., Kolorenč P.: Long-lived states of molecular hydrogen anion in , in American Institute of Physics Conference Series, eds. Roueff, E., pp. 147-155

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