The usual assumption that the main property of a classical system is a sharp trajectory is not testable and is assumed to be wrong. It is replaced by fuzzy models of real systems within Newtonian mechanics: probability distributions on the phase space of which only averages and variances are known. The single point arguments of the distribution functions are not known, not measurable and not even existing: they are simplifying assumptions of an approximative theory. The quantum models are macrocsopic quantum systems in states that maximize von Neumann's entropy under the condition of fixed values of quantum averages and variances. A simple (one-dimensional) model of a classical body will be constructed that will exhibits all observable classical properties that can be expected, including internal states and bulk dynamics. Some results on more general models of this kind will be listed. In particular, classical and quantum dynamics of such models differ by powers of h/(delta Q delta P). Thus, the classical limit is delta Q delta P approaching infinity: large variances of positions and momenta. A classical measurement is modelled by a large-number quantum measurement: a simultaneous registration of a large number of individual particles as in a human eye. As a result, all of classical theory emerges from quantum mechanics with the help of generalised methods of statistical physics.
Poznámka: Profesor Dadhich v týž čtvrtek, 26. června v 17:00 v budově Akademie věd, Národní 3, místnost č. 206, v rámci přednášek pro veřejnost organizovaných Učenou společností ČR, prosloví přednášku Einstein's Relativity For Everyone Přednášku uvede J. Bičák, v případě zájmu ji bude překládat do češtiny.