Seminář Ústavu teoretické fyziky

jaro 2019

Proběhlé semináře:

26. února 2019
Crystal growth considerations and improvements for better performing magnetic shape memory alloys
Ross Harvey Colman, Ph.D.
(seminář v angličtině)

5. března 2019
Development of laser-driven X-ray sources for new generation of lasers at Eli Beamlines
Ing. J. Nejdl, Ph.D.
ELI Beamlines Czechia
(seminář v angličtině)

The development of laser-driven X-ray sources using a 20 TW titanium-sapphire laser system have been carried out at PALS research center as a preparatory phase for ELI Beamlines facility that is becoming operational. High-order harmonics from gas targets (HHG), X-ray lasers pumped by transient collisional excitation, plasma X-ray sources, or X-ray sources based on relativistic electron beams have been investigated during last few years here. In this contribution we will present new aspects of those sources as well as the status of their implementation with much more powerful laser drivers at ELI Beamlines. Results of first secondary X-ray sources that have been commissioned in 2018 (HHG Beamline, plasma X-ray source) with commercial 1 kHz laser driver will be also discussed.

12. března 2019
Attosecond Physics at the nanoscale: the ultimate frontier
Dr. Marcelo Ciappina, Ph.D.
ELI Beamlines Czechia
(seminář v angličtině)

Recently two, a priori, different branches of physics have started to merge. One is attosecond physics, that deals with, both theoretical and experimentally, the phenomena that take place when ultrashort laser pulses, with durations ranging from the attosecond to the femtosecond time scale, interact with atoms, molecules or solids. The second branch involves the manipulation and engineering of mesoscopic systems, e.g. solids, metals, dielectrics, with nanometric precision, a scale that was only reached recently. In this way, it is possible to design and build bulk matter samples which pave the way to study light-matte interaction in a completely new regime. In this seminar I’ll summarize the theoretical work we have done to tackle the underlying physics of laser-matter processes driven by spatially and temporal synthesized fields, with a main emphasis in above-threshold ionization (ATI) and high-order harmonics generation (HHG) in atoms and molecules induced by plasmonic fields [1]. At the end of the talk I’ll present a brief summary of other current and future projects.

M. F. Ciappina, et al. Attosecond Physics at the nanoscale, Rep. Prog. Phys 80, 054401 (2017)

19. března 2019
A system of linear algebraic equations for the moments of invariant measure of the dynamical system exactly describing Navier-Stokes flow in a bounded volume
RNDr. Martin Macháček, CSc
Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Ondřejov
(seminář v angličtině)

We present a rigorous method to find the invariant measure of a dynamical system exactly describing Navier-Stokes turbulence in a bounded volume. In particular we derive a system of linear algebraic equations for long-time mean values of variables such as fluid velocity at a point or higher-order moments of such velocity.

26. března 2019
Black Holes in Quadratic Gravity
Jiří Podolský, Robert Švarc
(seminář v angličtině)

We present a new explicit class of black holes in general quadratic gravity with a cosmological constant. These spherically symmetric Schwarzschild–Bach–(anti-)de Sitter geometries form a three-parameter family determined by the black-hole horizon position, the value of the Bach invariant on the horizon, and the cosmological constant. The tidal effects on free test particles and basic thermodynamic quantities are also determined.

2. dubna 2019
Supermassive black holes and their role in galaxy formation
Prof. Nadia Zakamska
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA
9. dubna 2019
Vyjímečně v posluchárně T1
Theory of Core-collapse Supernovae in the Era of 3D Modeling and Multi-messenger Astronomy
Prof. H. Thomas Janka
MPA Garching
(seminář v angličtině)

The talk will review our present understanding of the physical processes that determine the mechanism how massive stars explode. Neutrinos play a crucial role by providing the explosion energy of the far majority of these stars, and by setting the conditions for the production of heavy chemical elements including radioactive species during the explosion. Both the neutrinos and such nuclei, besides gravitational waves radiated from the generically aspherical, violent origin of the blast wave, can serve as observational probes of the electromagnetically obscured centers of dying stars. A future Galactic supernova is therefore the long-desired target of a growing pool of detection facilities.

16. dubna 2019
High frequency market making - čím umí zaujmout teoretického fyzika?
RNDr. V. Krejčiřík, Ph.D.
Qminers s.r.o. Praha
30. dubna 2019
The Universe at Low Density: How Cosmic Gas Flows Build Galaxies
Dr. Molly Peeples
Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, USA
(seminář v angličtině)
7. května 2019
Connections, Torsion and Curvature in Generalized Geometry
doc. Branislav Jurčo, DSc.
Matematický ústav UK
(seminář v angličtině)
14. května 2019
Prof. Kip Thorne's visit
Prague lectures of Prof. Thorne:
May 15, 16:00: Creating Gravitational-Wave Astronomy, Blue Hall of the Rectorate, Celetná 20 (registration)
May 16, 14:00: Geometrodynamics: The Nonlinear Dynamics of Curved Spacetime, M1 hall at Ke Karlovu 3
May 17, 17:00: The Warped Side of the Universe: from the big bang to black holes and gravitational waves, Faculty of Law, nám. Curieových 901/7

Další ročníky:

© 2. října 2019; Pavel Krtouš <>
© 15. února 2025; vygenerováno pomocí aplikace seminar, verze 2.04 (2003-09-02); správce <>