Seminář Ústavu teoretické fyziky

jaro 2024

Proběhlé semináře:

27. února 2024
Mathematical Foundations of Modern Cryptography
Mgr. Pavel Hubáček, Ph.D.
Institute of Mathematics, Czech Academy of Sciences, and Computer Science Institute, MFF Charles University
(seminář v angličtině)
5. března 2024
Optická vlákna
Ing. Michal Kamrádek, Ph.D.
Institute of Photonics and Electronics, Czech Academy of Sciences

Svět bez internetu si dnes dokáže představit jen málokdo. Internet bez optických vláken a vláknových zesilovačů asi nikdo. Optická vlákna však nemusí sloužit jen v telekomunikacích; vláknové lasery nabízejí hrubou sílu pro řezání a sváření, ale také preciznost a přesnost například pro medicínské aplikace. Přijďte na přednášku a nechejte se vtáhnout do technologie přípravy skleněných vláken tenkých jako lidský vlas!

12. března 2024
Raman Bioimaging of Microorganisms: New Opportunities and Challenges for Raman Spectroscopy
doc. RNDr. Peter Mojzeš, CSc.
Institute of Physics, MFF Charles University
(seminář v angličtině)
19. března 2024
A New Look at Quark Stars
prof. Robert Mann
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Waterloo
(seminář v angličtině)
26. března 2024
Polarons Studied in Real Space by Atomic Force Microscopy
doc. Mgr. Martin Setvín, Ph.D.
Department of Surface and Plasma Science, MFF Charles University
(seminář v angličtině)
9. dubna 2024
Berry Curvature in Ferromagnetic Materials and Its Relation to Band Structure and Transport
Mgr. Jaroslav Hamrle, Ph.D.
Institute of Physics, MFF Charles University
(seminář v angličtině)

Berry curvature expresses the curvature of the reciprocal space, in a similar manner as magnetic field expresses curvature of the real space, resulting in a curved transport of electrons in solids. Therefore, it provides a key to describe various transport phenomena such as anomalous Hall effect, anomalous Nernst effect, orbital magnetization, topological insulators or electric polarization. As these transports are lossless, they are interesting for various applications. It is well known that Berry curvatures arise from the close proximity of hybridizing bands, providing topological flows of Berry curvature in the form of monopoles, one- or two-dimensional flows, or transitions between different dimensionalities. We use these properties to identify topological features of electronic band structure itself. This provides a novel view on details of the electronic structure in the whole Brillouin zone, inaccessible with traditional understanding of the band structure.

16. dubna 2024
Geometry-induced Phase Transitions
prof. Mgr. Alexandr Malijevský, Ph.D., DSc.
Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
(seminář v angličtině)

In this talk I describe some aspects of the modern theory of surface phase transitions. We begin with the simplest scenario of a fluid adsorbed at a planar wall, and the associated theory of wetting transitions, before turning attention to more complex geometries and the new phase transitions and hidden symmetries which emerge.

23. dubna 2024
Chiral Phonons as Dark Matter Detectors
Ing. Marek Matas, Ph.D.
ETH Zürich, Switzerland
(seminář v angličtině)

Dark matter has proven to be one of the most elusive mysteries of modern-day physics. The fact that we have, as of yet, not been able to detect its interaction with standard model particles points to two most straightforward explanations. Either its interactions are too rare or too feeble for the technological limitations of our detectors. Phonons are some of the softest excitations one can produce in condensed matter systems. However, their readout has proven to be a very challenging task. In this seminar, I will talk about the possibility of employing chiral phonons together with surface-based magnetometric readout as dark matter detectors of tomorrow with unprecedented energy sensitivity.

30. dubna 2024
Laboratory X-ray Tomography as a Tool for Exploring Hidden Structures - from Technical Applications to Cultural Heritage Objects
Ing. Daniel Vavřík, Ph.D.
Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Czech Academy of Sciences
(seminář v angličtině)

During the seminar, the basic principles of laboratory X-ray tomography will be presented, as well as various less traditional tomographic methods - such as dual-energy tomography, triggering and 4D tomography, etc. In the field of materials research, the possibilities of studying time-dependent processes - fracture mechanics, deformation of 3D structures, etc. will be shown. In terms of research of cultural heritage objects, various possibilities of processing tomographic data to make otherwise difficult-to-access information visible will be demonstrated - stratigraphy of Gothic panel paintings, reading of old prints, research of ancient lead artifacts.

7. května 2024
Time Scales in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Mgr. Václav Římal, Ph.D.
Department of Low-Temperature Physics, MFF Charles University
(seminář v angličtině)

Although the resonance frequencies of nuclear magnetic moments in magnetic fields are typically in the order between 10 to 1000 MHz, the time scales of processes that are experimentally measurable by NMR spectroscopy span from fractions of nanoseconds to hours. During the talk, I will present basic principles of NMR and its applications to the study of various dynamic processes.

21. května 2024
Alfonsine Astronomy
doc. RNDr. Petr Hadrava, DrSc.
Astronomical Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences
(seminář v angličtině)

Alfonsine astronomy is a corpus of astronomical knowledge which originated in the 13th century at the court of Alfonso X the Wise, the King of Castile and Leon, and spread throughout the medieval Europe. It includes mainly various sets of astronomical tables and canons (i.e., collections of rules) on their use, as well as treatises on astronomical instruments, mathematical and theoretical texts. The lecture will pay special attention to the so called Tabule resolute, the Central European version of Alfonsine tables for calculating the motions of the planets which were used up to the 16th century. Alfonsine trepidation (precession) will also be discussed as an example. This work was carried out within the ERC project ALFA (

Další ročníky:

© 30. září 2024; Eva Kostrhúnová <>
© 15. února 2025; vygenerováno pomocí aplikace seminar, verze 2.04 (2003-09-02); správce <>